We are dedicated to providing you and your family with up-to-date, extensive, superior medical service.
This practice is committed to providing comprehensive general practice care to all individuals and families in Drouin and its surrounding communities. Our practice is an AGPAL accredited practice and participated in Nation Primary Care Collaborative (NPCC programs). Civic Park Medical Centre provides a wide.
Making Appointments.
Though we prefer to see patients by appointment, we are more than happy to see patients with no appointments, however priority is given to patients who have made a booking and you may have to wait to see the next available doctor. Patients who require emergency treatment will be seen immediately. A standard consultation is approximately 10 minutes. If you require a longer period with the doctor, please advise the receptionist so an extended consultation may be made for you. Every reasonable effort is made to keep appointment times, although doctors may have emergencies or other unforeseen circumstances cause delay.
Bulk Billing & Private Billing.
We are a Bulk Billing Practice to all Medicare cardholders weekdays 8am - 6pm.
Private Billing applies to all after hour appointments (inc. telehealth appts); 6pm and after weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays. A small fee* will incur for non-concession card holders and those 16years+.
Please note: If you do not have a current Medicare Card, or your card has expired, you will be charged privately. Overseas visitors will be issued with an account, which is payable on the day of consultation. All pre employment medical reports are not bulk billed by Medicare. Fees will vary. Payment is to be made on the day. Please ask at reception for more information.
Private Billing Rebates:
All after hour Telehealth appointments where fees apply, reception will take payment over the phone before one of our GP’s call you.
The Medicare Benefit (rebate) can not be given on over the phone payments. Patients will be required to take their receipts to Medicare or claim Medicare benefit online through My Gov or Express Plus Medicare Mobile app.
* Please note these fees may be slightly different for our NON-VR doctor Dr Jayani Basnayake.