New Patients Welcome - please ring reception to book
We are a private billing practice. Payment is required at time of consultation.
- Check-ups
- Women's health
- Family planning
- Pap smears
- Pregnancy tests
- Ante-natal care
- Counselling
- Minor surgery
- Pre-employment medicals
- Cryotherapy -Liquid nitrogen 'freezing' therapy
Fees are payable at time of consultation by cash, cheque or EFTPOS.
A full list of fees is available from reception.
You can claim your Medicare rebate instantly through the Surgery.
Child Immunisations Bulk-billed
NB: Medical fees are updated in accordance with the current MBS Schedule.
Disability access and facilites are available.
Parking available in Green & Docker Streets.
The Surgery has a no smoking policy and is a non discriminating Practice.
A suggestion box and Information Folder containing practice and patient information is located in reception.